Oedip Rege
“Ultimate simplicity”
Teatrul Azi
Oedip Rege
Name |
Claudiu Mihail |
Ramona Drăgulescu |
Vlad Udrescu |
Tamara Popescu |
Alex Calangiu |
Nicolae Vicol |
Iulia Colan |
Angel Rababoc |
Raluca Păun |
Eugen Titu |
Corina Druc |
Irina Danciu |
with Ovidiu Cârstea, Bruno Noferi, Ioana Andone, Adelina Galiceanu, Roxana Mutu, Mihai Alexandru Purcaru, Petri Ștefănescu, Cătălina Vînătoru, Iarina Zidaru |
Role | Name |
Director | Declan Donnellan |
Designer | Nick Ormerod |
Romanian Translation by | Theodor Georgescu and Constantin Georgescu |
Assistant Director | Laurentiu Tudor |
Assistant Designers | Adelina Galiceanu, Petri Ștefănescu |
Music | Cari Tibor |
Dramaturgy | Haricleea Nicolau |
Date | Location |
4-5 December 2024 | Craiova, Teatrul Naţional “Marin Sorescu”, Romania – in repertoire |
3-4 November 2024 | Tbilisi, Georgian International Festival of Arts, Georgia |
17-21 January 2024 | Madrid, Teatros del Canal, Spain |
6-7 June 2023 | Timișoara, Teatrul Naţional, Romania |
November 2022 | Bucharest, Teatrul Naţional, Romania |
6-12 May 2022 | Craiova, Teatrul Naţional “Marin Sorescu”, Romania |
“What is truly amazing in this Oedipus is the clarity with which Declan Donnellan extracts a profoundly contemporary (because eternally and universally human) essence from Sophocles’ text: the arrogance of trying to defeat the conditions of reality by ignoring them.”
Iulia Popovici, Cultural Observatory
“In a generous, broad playing space, offered by the entire surface of the main stage, the spectators become citizens of Thebes, witnesses and accomplices in the inevitable tragedy rendered by an a priori curse. […] You are responsible, somehow, for what happens…”
Alina Epîngeac, d’E-pîn-geac
“What is then thought-provoking is the ultimate simplicity of the production. […] The empty space engulfs us like a god who devours his children…“
Călin Ciobotari, Teatrul Azi